Monday, September 30, 2013

Macaws, Creation and Evolution

I chatted with my brother the other day about his new-found fascination with nature shows on PBS. He waxed enthusiastic about how biologists in Australia have figured out protection for a small mammal which is inclined to feed on poisonous cane toads, and macaws in South America who eat clay to neutralize the toxins in the berries which are a staple in their diet. He wondered at the complexity of it all, and I do as well. David Attenborough, the 86-year-old nature film maker is his new hero. It happens that our daughter Emily has discovered Attenborough as well.

I commented to my brother that it is sad that some conservative Christians can make no room for evolution in their picture of how God works in the world. They are so committed to a particular view of Creation, including a young Earth, that science goes out the window.The state of Texas has decided to allow Creationists on the board which chooses biology text books, a truly bizarre development.

As we come to the end of our Creation Time themes at Bridge St. United Church I realize I long ago made my peace between science and religion, although there are still unanswered questions which I will continue to explore. All I know is that this is a wondrous world, and it is God's Wondrous World.

What are your thoughts about this? Were you ever convinced that a seven-day creation and a young Earth were the marks of a true Christian? Can you reconcile evolution and Creation easily?

1 comment:

  1. It has been a LONG time since I was a literalist - But there is still "truth" in the Creation stories, even if they are not literally "true" - and I, too, believe we live in God's wondrous world! I just hope we don't ruin it for future generations .
