Monday, June 17, 2013

Burn it Up

Pastor Mark Driscoll, who ministers in Seattle at one of those whopping big churches, told a Catalyst gathering a few days ago that “I know who made the environment and he’s coming back and going to burn it all up. So yes, I drive an SUV.” Later he claimed his statement was a joke, but if so, it was an idiotic and insensitive one. In parts of the U.S. including California and Colorado, wildfires have consumed hundreds of homes and sent many running for their lives.

This is one of those scary moments where an evangelical Christian leader almost gleefully claims we don't need to worry about the fragile balance of the world God created, nor give any credence to climate change. Jesus is going to return folks, toast up the bad guys, and usher in a new reign for the saved folks. Personally, I'm not interested in this "scorched earth" theology. I happen to love this planet and I'm grateful for the years God has given me to enjoy it. I don't equate salvation in Christ with me being "in" and others "out." I'm just happy that I am the recipient of God's grace and want that for others, even the birds and the bees, and the fishes in the seas. Silly me.

There is a terrible irony that some of the worst fires are around Colorado Springs, home to some of the conservative Christian organizations which have downplayed climate change and criticized faith groups who are involved in Creation Care. I'm tempted to say "God is comin' to getcha" but I just don't believe in that sort of retributive nonsense.

I was grateful to see this comment by Richard Cizik, another evangelical leader who responded to Driscoll:

Christians must take these realities of climate change seriously. The populations most vulnerable to harsh and extreme living conditions — children, the elderly, and the poor — already are suffering the most from climate change. So please, let’s not be joking about the right to be driving our SUV’s — and dismissing our duty to care for the environment — since Jesus is coming back soon.

Any comments fit to print?


  1. Dead on, David! So glad you are now our minister!

  2. That's a relief Judy, because I'm glad to be your minister.
